Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Topographic Map of Malta

How Stuff Works
Topographic maps are useful in showing the various elevations of land. This is a map of Malta, a small country in the Mediterranean Sea. This map clearly informs the reader that this is a relatively level country with no mountains besides a few hilly regions. 

Thematic Maps

Thematic maps are used to represent the distribution of something. It could be things like people, money, trees, and animals, or it could be less physical things like education levels, pollution levels, or income levels. This map from EPA informs the reader of the "pounds released, number of chemicals involved, and the risk related results." 

Mental Maps

Legible London
Mental maps are our perceptions of the world around us. This map is an attempt to make an abstract mental map more concrete by asking an individual to draw out their mental map of London-the way they visualize the streets of London in their mind. 

Monday, May 12, 2008

Digital Map: Close to Home, a Bird's Eye View

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This is a remotely sensed map taken by satellite. Using the zoom features it is possible to see my house and backyard. 
I found this map on the Google Maps site.